Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"What is happening with the adoption?"...nothing...well sorta

   Yesterday in staff meeting, I asked the staff to be be praying for me and Sully in this waiting period until we get the call.  I am not patient and typically this would annoy me, but I am not annoyed. I just feel awkward. I say awkward because I feel like I should prepare but not too much,  we should go on with our life but not make too many plans. I have no idea the timeframe but I know God's hand will be on it but it is just complete loss of control. We can do nothing but follow His lead.

A lot of people have been asking me, "So where are you at with the adoption?" and "What's going on with it?".   My natural inclination has been to say, "Well, nothing, we're just waiting".   Nothing? I realized this morning, I could not be more wrong.

 God spoke to me through a devotional thought from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. You can read the whole devo for today here.

Here is what got to me:

He went out, not knowing where he was going —Hebrews 11:8 (speaking of Abraham)

"Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith, not of understanding and reason—a life of knowing Him who calls us to go."

God reminded me that when He asked people in the Bible to do something for Him, often they didn't have the whole plan or know the time frame. They just had to follow and the rest would be made evident.  I am sure many of them felt the same way as I do. 

So my attitude has changed. "What is happening with the adoption?" A lot.

-God is growing my faith so much. I have actually stopped praying for this to hurry up. I have started praying in excitement to see how God is unfolding a beautiful plan.  We are not doing this to just have a baby, we are doing this because God called us to be a provision for a child that needs a home.  Even the fact that yesterday, I asked for God to help me not feel so awkward and to help me understand and then this morning, God reveals this to me. That is a fast turn-around =)

-God is growing our marriage. We are more committed now then ever to work on making our marriage better. I think God is using this time to strengthen us.

-We are going to start more efforts to help raise the rest of our adoption costs. We have 6,000 more to go. That seems like a lot at first but when you compare it to the 10,000 God has already  provided, it isn't much.  We will have yard sales and auctions or anything else to make it so we are financially ready to go the day we get the call.

So it is one month since my last post and a lot more than, "nothing" has happened.

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