Friday, August 22, 2014

Different but good.

So we didn't get to go to an ultrasound today.

We got to the appointment and She wasn't there.  The receptionists asked us if we had an appointment. We told her no and explained the situation. She said no one had an appointment that morning because the doctor was doing a surgery.


So I tried to call her and her phone was off.  My stomach dropped.  Of course, my mind goes to the worst place. She has changed her mind, I thought. Sully and I exchanged an "Oh no" look.

I tried again and she answered. In my heart I screamed, PRAISE JESUS. 

She proceeded to tell us that it got changed and she got tied up and forgot to call. She has had some family things going this week, so this is completely understandable.

Sully and I were bummed but then She asked if we would like to come to her house and get a bunch of baby girl clothes that she would like to give us. Her 8 month old daughter had worn these and she was passing them on to us.  We agreed and made our way to her house.

I want to pause the story for a minute- this journey up to this point has been so different than what we expected and so different than what we have been trained on. I never would have thought I would be texting with Her and receiving baby clothes and sweet messages.

We had a nice time visiting with her and playing with her other kids.  There were two big questions I needed to ask her. I have been scared to ask and even talked to adoptive families about how I should bring them up.

Guess what? I didn't have to. She brought them up by no prompting of my own!

On our way I told Sully that I would only bring them up if The Holy Spirit prompted me.  Turns out, He prompted her instead. What a relief!

I really wanted to see the baby today. I really want to know everything is developing okay. I really want to meet the doctor.  None of that happened today but it's really good.

Today was different but good.  We got to bond with Her in her home and I am not sure we would have had that if the regular appointment happened.

Thank you Jesus!

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