Sunday, November 2, 2014

The snake speaks.

Friday and Saturday I felt defeated.

We had to fill out background checks (again).
We had to fax our W-2's, pay stubs and bank statements (again).

I started thinking about at what point would I have to call this thing?
After how many home study updates do I start being okay with this maybe not being the plan?

Our verse for this month in Children's Ministry is "Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank Him because of Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I was coaching myself on being thankful even if I never hear the pitter patter of little feet on our floors or never have the privilege of someone calling me "momma".  Jesus is enough even if I am sad.

The sermon was great this morning- all about keeping things in perspective, an eternal perspective. While I wanted to shout AMEN the entire time, it was the end where the Lord spoke to me.

Our youth minister, Keith was on schedule to make announcements today and he came to the center of the stage to prepare for offering.  He wasn't talking about my situation but the words God gave him  hit me. If I hadn't had to teach right after that, I probably would have gone into the bathroom and ugly-cried.

He said, "God has always told me He would never fail me but Satan always tells me He's about to."

Even typing that, the lump grows in my throat.

"Give up", the liar whispers.

The snake continues to speak,"God is ignoring you, you must have done something wrong.  You don't deserve this or you would have it. It is not going to happen". 

The snake speaks but so do God's people.

I don't know if anyone else benefited from the words God gave Keith, but I did.

It reminded me that what God has assured, Satan wants me to assume is gone.

Deuteronomy 31:8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never abandon you or fail you. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had an encouraging word today. Don't give up! You will be parents. I don't know how but I believe you will. I'm sorry you have to go through yet another homestudy update. It's not fair.
