Tuesday, January 27, 2015

God Sightings

The story that is unfolding for this baby is just so special.

From how we heard about her to today, there are little sightings of God's hand. Its beautiful to watch.

On Thursday of last week, we got an email from Lifeline (one of our agencies). There was a woman who was due February 22nd and they thought we would be a good match and wanted to show our profile.
Sully and I were very torn because we're already working with someone but at this point She hadn't made any real legal steps.  We didn't want to close the door if this wasn't going to pan out.  So we prayed. Lifeline needed to know by this morning if we wanted them to show our profile.

On Friday of last week, we were supposed to pay for a Home Study update for the other agency, Bethany.  We didn't want to cancel that just in case we didn't place with this momma but there is also a fee involved.  She does not want to go through an agency so if we place with her, we do not need the Bethany update.  So we prayed.

Before our meeting with Bethany, the social worker called and canceled. Her kids were sick so she couldn't make it. It was like God took it off the table for us.

On Sunday, I texted with Her and she said she was going to call the lawyer on Monday.  I was hoping She would make a legal step before we had to tell Lifeline anything.  I didn't hear from Her all day on Monday.  I was starting to worry.  Since I am practicing giving thanks in all circumstances, I stopped and prayed. At 3pm yesterday I prayed, "Lord, I am thanking you in advance for how you are working in this situation. I am excited to see how you surprise me".

At 4pm, Lifeline contacted us. That mother due on the 22nd of February has decided not to place.

A relief swept over me that I can't explain.  It was like God removed that situation so I wouldn't have to make a decision.  I felt like with both agencies, God worked out a way to remove them as obstacles for the placement with Her.

Last night my friend Jeanina messaged me and said she had a dream about me. In this dream, someone gave us a baby that had dark hair.  I asked her if it was because she read our blog post. She replied, "What blog post?".  She didn't even know we were working with someone.  

Guess what? This momma has dark hair.

This was her message to me this morning:

"God has filled me with a spirit of bravery and peace, I am ready to move forward." 

She called the lawyer today and they have a meeting on February 6th!


  1. Wonderful news! Will keep praying for God's will in this situation :)

  2. I am sooooo happy for you and am waiting with bated breathe! God is sovereign!
