Saturday, May 7, 2016

Birth Mother's Day

Today is Birth Mother's Day.  Honestly, I wish I could celebrate with our birth mom.

She has chosen a closed adoption but we wanted an open one.
There is a lot I can say about it but I am not going to explain that today.
Instead, I just wrote a poem  and maybe one day she'll see it.

Our first Mother's Day it was all so new.
And now we're at the second one
but all I think about is you.

In your plan I have to trust.
But it doesn't stop the wondering,
Does your heart miss us?

I understand, I do, why you stay away.
But it's hard when through her life,
I see glimpses of you everyday.

With you I want to share, her intoxicating smile.
Because forever, no matter what,
she'll always be our child.

As she grows, I see you more and more.
Captivating eyes of sheer perfection
that I am sure you would adore.

Wish I had known the hug would be our last.
I would have held you longer
not let the moment pass so fast.

Your life needs distance, your life needs space.
But I can't stop dreaming
of when Emily sees your face.

I don't know the details of our Father's plans.
But while I'm waiting to hug you again,
I'll just hold her tiny hands.

I love you. Happy Birth Mother's Day.

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