Saturday, May 4, 2019

Holy Hashbrowns

 I was single parenting this weekend so on Friday, I decided to grab a friend and haul down with my tiny humans to IKEA.  At the time, I thought it was a good idea. It was touch and go but we made it.

My kids work up early and had an early breakfast so on the way, we stopped at McDonald's for coffees.

I decided to get my kids some hashbrowns to hold them over until lunch. Before you judge me... actually, just don't. :)

I gave Emily her hashbrown right away in the paper sleeve because she knows how to take small bites and wait until it's cooled off a little bit. She can handle it.

I broke a piece off of Ezra's, blew on it and handed it to him. He looked at what she had and back at what I was offering and screamed, "no!" and smacked it out of my hand. I told him that I wasn't picking it up and that now he gets a smaller piece.

I immediately told my friend that I feel like that is a picture of how I am with God. He wants to give me something and deliver it in a way that I can handle and when it doesn't look like the person next to me, I want to smack it out of His hand.

She replied, "And when we do that, we experience less than what we would have had in the first place".

That'll preach.

I could say so much about this but I think I'll just leave you with the questions that I haven't been able to shake.

What is God handing you that you are trying to smack out of Hand maybe because it doesn't look like what someone else has or it's not how you wanted it? 

What are you missing out on because of your expectations?

Don't know?

Ask Him.