Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Tale of Two Goofy Dreams

I have heard of crazy pregnancy dreams but I didn't think it carried over to adoption.

I have had two very goofy dreams.

On Sunday night, I dreamt that I was in jail and I could not figure out why. I was there with my little stepbrother and then they let him go but kept me.

I was upset because I knew that being in jail would not look good on an adoption application so I was trying to figure out why I was there. I was hoping for something minimal like speeding.

Then as part of my punishment, for whatever terrible act I committed,  I had to have dental care without any numbing drugs. I remember praying for God to have me pass out before they drilled.

Then out of nowhere we started having a worship service.


I learned 2 things from this dream:
-Stay out of trouble
-I better go to the dentist and get that cavity filled

Last night I dreamt that Sully and I were working on something for church and then he came with a baby all swaddled up. I was so excited and started telling everyone about it.  Then I called my friends Scott and Katie to borrow some of their baby stuff. It was 2 am.

We started driving to their house and as we did I realize it really wasn't a real baby it was a plastic doll. I got so excited when I saw the baby, I forgot to make sure it wasn't plastic!

I woke up just before I had to tell everyone.

I learned 1 thing from this dream:
-When are given our baby, make sure it isn't plastic.


  1. Totally made me chuckle at work this morning. Keep blogging. Your baby will one day look back at this and love it.

  2. Yeah, I feel like it will help them feel like they were prepared for just like an ultrasound picture or something =)
