Friday, November 22, 2013


I changed the blog.

Through this process God has been changing us.

Through this process God has been changing me.

When we first started this process, I thought more about how God would use us for a child.
Then I thought God really called us so we can provide an option for a birthmother.
From there, my heart changed and I believed this process was really just about how God wanted to grow me.

Last night it hit me.  It's not one of those things more than the other. It isn't really even a process, it's a whole journey.  Yes, it is about the child. Yes, it is about the birthmother and yes, it is about us.  I felt this overwhelming sense that really what we are adopting is a journey.

I have changed the name of the blog to reflect just that.

We are on a journey, a journey where God is going to use us and grow us.
I feel strongly now that even when our placement is complete, our journey will continue.

I hope to write more consistently along the way and I hope you'll join me.

1 comment:

  1. You have wonderful insight, Melissa. I like the change :)
