Tuesday, February 5, 2013

one for the book

 In some of our adoption training, we read about how we need to keep what they call a "life book". It is basically a collection of special things you kept as you were preparing for a child's arrival. It helps the children feel valued and chosen.  Today, God gave us another story for the Life Book.

Inside this beautiful card was a  generous gift. What touched our hearts most though, was how the gift came about.  This couple that we love and respect dearly told us a touching story of how God spoke to them on our behalf.  They both felt the Lord leading them to give but didn't know how much.  So they prayed about it, and then said what number God had laid on their heart.  You can probably guess, it was the SAME number. Then before they sent the check, they prayed that it would be a sacrifice.  It is so clear that it was from the Holy Spirit!

We keep hearing stories like this and all I can think about is how much God loves us and how much He must love our future child.  I keep picturing God putting the call on us and then saying, "I can't wait for them to see what I have planned." 

... and in case you want an updated number, when we started in November we needed 16,800.... now we only need 6,000.  You all have been so generous and I am so glad that Sully and I are not going this alone. 

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. I love how so many people have become future family for the little boy or girl who lands in the Cook home. I'm sure that this adoptive extended family will be blessed beyond measure by angel kisses and bunny hugs from the precious one.

    Love the love!

    Martin Drummond, Melissa's daddy
