Monday, January 28, 2013

Psalm 105:1

This verse came up on my Bible app as the verse for the day. How relevant.

105 1-6 Hallelujah!
Thank God! Pray to him by name!
    Tell everyone you meet what he has done!
Sing him songs, belt out hymns,
    translate his wonders into music!
Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs,
    you who seek God. Live a happy life!
Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works;
    be alert for signs of his presence.
Remember the world of wonders he has made,
    his miracles, and the verdicts he’s rendered—

This weekend we we really blessed and I got the feeling that God wanted us to share what He has done. 

For some time, we have been saving(in an account separate from our adoption fund),  for a newer vehicle. This weekend we were able to sell our 98 corolla in sort of beat up shape for a lot more than we thought we would get. We were very honest with the guy on what needed fixed and he still payed more than what we thought according to blue book.  I know this doesn't seem like a big deal but it is a blessing to us. We are now in the market for like 03-05 Camry, avalon or some other mid-size sedan that is safe for a baby =) If you see anything, let us know! 

But even better,

 If you squint or zoom in you can read the card. The words are just perfect!

I don't know if this card was meant for adoption but it seems perfect. We were also blessed with some very generous financial gifts this weekend, which is great because now our Home Study fee and our Birthparent fee are taken care of! God has provided and this verse says we are supposed to "tell everyone". I am so thankful for all the people that have supported us along the way. I know God is going to make Himself evident. 

The second part of this verse says, "Keep your eyes open for God, watch for His works and be alert for signs of his presence."  This is exactly what the sermon at WellSpring was about yesterday. Our God is a BIG God! You can listen to the sermon here. It should be posted by 8:30am central time.  Here is a fun fact: this sermon has my favorite Bible story in it.

We have one more visit and then our home study process is complete. Then we wait.  I think that is when the stretching will come. We will be applying  for grants, doing yard sales and other things to keep us busy but mostly we will be completely waiting on God.  Sully, my parents, Andy(pastor and boss), my close friends or anyone who knows me, can tell you I am not patient while waiting. I can be patient with a screaming two-year old but letting God work in His time does not come easy.  Pray for me?

One more note and then I am done. We thank God for you. It really encourages us to know that people are reading our blog and walking with us. So again, We thank God for you.

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