Monday, January 7, 2013

"then their eyes were opened and they realized..."

We heard from the adoption agency today!

Our first home study visit is scheduled for Wednesday the 16th at 3pm.

We are so excited!

I must say that I do feel a little bit like Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:7

"Then they eyes of both of them were opened and they realized their house was dirty and some things needed updated. So they planned to finally touch up the paint and clean the baseboards."

Anybody know what they look for in a home study?

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if we have met but I know your sister, Jess. Anyway, we have experienced just about everything one can regarding the adoption process. We now have two beautiful twin toddles we adoted from China in 2011.

    As far as the home study goes. Our social workers barely looked at the house. They primarirly focus on you as a couple and potential parents. They ask what your plans are for child care, how you plan to discipline, what your family of origin was like; how your were disciplined; what your relationship was/is like with your extended family. Will you work or stay home with the baby. Anyway you get the idea. Let me know if you have any questions. You can read my non-updated blog at
