Tuesday, March 18, 2014

To our birthmom

So tonight we went to a training hosted by Bethany.  At the beginning of the training, they updated us on some things. They have about 7 birthmoms who are due very soon. They won't all place but for  some reason,  it gave me great hope that maybe it could be us.

Moving on...

They had 2 birthmoms come and speak about their experiences. I was really touched by what they had to say. They are so brave to get up there and share their stories. Due to confidentiality, I can't share many details.

But I can share how it made me feel. Below are my thoughts for our birthmom, that I am going to share with you. Whenever we meet her, she will get this letter among many others.

Dear Birthmom,

Tonight Sully and I went to an adoption training. They had a panel of birthmoms talking about their experiences. All I could think about was you. I was thinking about what your story would be, what you look like, how we can minister to you and what part of our joined journey will make you smiles like the girls did tonight. My heart was praying for you as I heard them talking about their hospital visit and walking away with empty arms. You will not leave with empty arms. We will make sure those arms are filled with something that will bring you comfort. I thought of you as the birthmoms shared that they have so much peace. They feel great about their decision. I pray that God gives you the same peace. They talked about picking their families and I imagined you flipping through books and coming to ours. I thought that you might laugh at the picture of Sully and I dressed up for a Halloween party.  If I could talk to you now, I would say God has a beautiful plan for you life and for some reason He has put us in it. We do not take that lightly. The girls tonight gave a message of hope and healing, which is what we want to be a part of for you.   Yes, we want a baby. With every beat in my heart, I want to love a child in my home. Yes we have been praying for that but I can honestly say-I think about you just as much, if not more, than the baby. You are not a means to an end for us. You are created by God and I can't shake the feeling that our lives are supposed to collide. I don't know why but I know I am thinking of you.

-I learned a lot tonight. God is so woven into the fabric of adoption that I can't imagine the process without Him. I am already a changed person and tonight God showed me that even after empty arms and relinquishment papers, God is still writing the story. Sully and I will play a part in a  birthmom and child's life that no one else will play.

After hearing these girls tonight, I am convinced that every piece of paperwork, every picture sorted through and every prayer from their adoptive families was not in vain.

The same will be true for us. Our baby is worth it and our birthmom is worth it.

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