Wednesday, October 11, 2017

By Faith

This morning I opened my Bible to Hebrews 11. Yes, a physical Bible. I used to just read on my phone but I think some meaning can be lost when we scroll through God's word as we scroll through social media. 

Before my eyes was an amazing record. You can read Hebrews 11, maybe even in a physical Bible, to see what they did but I wanted to give you this list. 

 By faith Abel  
 By faith Enoch 
 By faith Noah
 By faith Abraham 
 By faith Sarah
 By faith Abraham
 By faith Isaac 
 By faith Jacob
 By faith Joseph
 By faith Moses’ parents
 By faith Moses 
 By faith the Israelites 
 By faith Joshua 
 By faith Rahab
The ancients on the list above were not perfect. They all messed up but that isn't how they are remembered. No, these believers are remembered for their faith in God's bigger plan. They are remembered for stepping up even when it may have been easier to stay down. 
Our community experienced a tragedy last night.  When the Breath of Heaven isn't seen, darkness can be suffocating. 
But there were some "By faith" phrases written last night. 
By faith, a neighbor dove head first into a trauma of a stranger.
By faith, two pastors willing entered into the pain of grief with a family they'd never met. 
By faith, a man worked late into the night to remove remnants of the darkness. 
The modern saints above should have their names in a faith hall of fame. They're all too humble for that, though. 
The phrases aren't reserved for a select few. They aren't just the call of the strong because really without God's Spirit, we are all weak. 
The phrases are meant for all of us. 
What will your "By faith" be?
Be praying for an opportunity to have one written. 

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